Episode 4: Stupid, stupid genius

Episode 4 August 09, 2021 00:30:12
Episode 4: Stupid, stupid genius
Imagination & Junk
Episode 4: Stupid, stupid genius

Aug 09 2021 | 00:30:12


Show Notes

"Forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable." -- Octavia Butler

It's almost impossible to get creative work done without discipline, but not all of us are naturally disciplined creators. That's where habit and routine enter the scene -- they're ways we impose discipline on ourselves. And they're more important skills to develop then ever before in a world where the old structures propping up creative careers have fallen away. This week we're looking at ways habit and routine help keep us on track -- and at some ways in which they don't. Also: Mat recalls working a street pitch with Eddie Izzard, and Bill recalls a near-brush with greatness involving Bob Dylan and a fancy wedding venue. Plus: Hats!

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